
Classification: 1st Angel
First Appearance: Episode 21
Attacks: 2nd Impact, Lv.9 AT-Field
Summary: In the year 2000, an expedition team led by Dr. Katsuragi,
Misato's father, discovered their God of Gods, Adam. When they
attempted to capture Adam by regressing him back to his embryo form, he
fought back and enacted the 2nd Impact, which melted the ice cap, whipped
out half of earth's population, and flooded the shorelines of
the continents. Misato was the only member of the team to survive, and was
saved by her father with the last of his strength, who put her in an
escape pod before Adam melted the cap. Adam's embryo was found
in the red waters years later by SEELE, and delivered to NERV by Kaji
Classification: 2nd Angel
First Appearance: Episode 15
Attacks: 3rd Impact, Lv.1 Anti AT-Field
Summary: Deep within the recesses of Terminal Dogma, NERV keeps the
2nd Angel, Lilith. Not much is known about Lilith, and Misato and Kaji
mistake the angel for Adam. Lilith is suspended on a large red cross,
nailed in by the Lance of Longinus, which prevents growth the lower part
of her body. NERV uses Lilith's blood, which floods the chamber as LCL
(Liquid Connection Liquid) to fill the plugs. This is picked up on by
Shinji who frequently comments on the fact that an Eva's entry plug smells
of blood. Lilith is the mother of humanity (according to Tabris) and Unit
01 was built from Lilith, unlike the other Eva's built from Adam.
Classification: 3rd Angel
First Appearance: Episode 1
Attacks: Beam Lance, Lv.1 Eye Beam, Self-destruct, Lv.3 AT-Field
Summary: Sachiel is the first Angel to make an appearance in the series,
and the first one to attack Tokyo-3. Though it's fifteen years after the
second impact before Sachiel attacks the city. Why the long wait is a
mystery, though its been rumored that the Angels laid dormant on Earth
until the second impact which some how awoke them from their dormancy.
Like the Angels to follow, Sachiel challenges NERV alone. There is
apparently no systematic organization between the Angels. Sachiel is adept
at assaulting at close and long range, but his AT-Field is relatively
weak, and is easily broken by Unit 01. It has the ability to Regenerate,
Temporarily boost his strength, and to Swim. 01 dispatches the Angel after
shutting down, and going Berserk.
Classification: 4th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 3
Attacks: Laser Tentacles, Lv.3 AT-Field
Summary: Shamshel appears only 3 weeks after Sachiel's devastating
attack on Tokyo-3. Shinji is sent in 01 to take care of it after he has
been through training. Shamshel is designed to attack in close combat, and
as a result of this is equipped with two laser tentacles. Shamshel uses
the tentacles to relentlessly rip apart its opponents with. Shamshel's
tentacles are so powerful that they can even manage to penetrate cleanly
through the torso of an Eva, despite the protection provided by an Eva's
defensive Armour. Shamshel shares Sachil's ability to swim and
walk on land, but also shares it's weak AT-Field. It is destroyed by 01
when Shinji destroys its core with the Progressive knife.
Classification: 5th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 5
Attacks: Lv.5 Beam, Drill, Lv.6 AT-Field
Summary: Ramiel is probably one of the most powerful Angels seen in
the series. He is the first Angel both Unit 00 and 01 are dispatched to
fight. Ramiel's armament consists of a drilling device, which the Angel
uses to attack NERV directly, and an exceptional AT-Field, so powerful in
fact that the spatial changes in phase generated by the field can be seen
by the naked eye. Ramiel is also capable of hovering and possesses a
devastating super beam capable of shooting right through an Eva in a
matter of moments. Ramiel also targets and fires upon anything that enters
it's range. The Eva's are forced to use a custom sniper rifle to take out
the Angel from a distance.
Classification: 6th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 8
Attacks: Teeth, Lv.2 AT-Field
Summary: Gaghiel is the only aquatic Angel to be pitted against
NERV and the Evangelions. Unlike most of the other Angels, is relatively
lightly armed. Gaghiel's armament consists solely of a set of huge razor
sharp teeth that are used bite and rip enemies to shreds. Gaghiel is also
massive, and uses its immense size and weight to as a devastating weapon
during close combat. Despite the Angel's size, Gaghiel is extremely agile
and fast which is vital to the Angel as it has no means of which to engage
opponents at long range, relies on its speed and agility to quickly engage
the enemy in close combat before it can use range weapons on it. Gaghiel
is the first Angel to fight Unit 02, and does so when it attacks the UN's
escort fleet as its in transfer from Europe to Japan. Unit 02 destroys the
Angel when it forces 2 battle ships into the mouth of the beast.
Classification: 7th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 9
Attacks: Claws, Lv.3 Beam, Cloning, Lv.3 AT-Field
Summary: Israfel is the first Angel to be engaged by two Evas at
the same time and, due to the damage inflicted by Tokyo-3's intercept
system, is also the first to be intercepted by NERV. Despite being
attacked by both Units 01 and 02, The Angel dispatches both its opponents
due to its unique ability to separate into two separate Angels. Israfel
also possesses some kind of offensive laser weapon, though its destructive
power is somewhat lacking compared to the destructive arsenals at the
disposal of most of the other Angels. Israfel's AT-Field is also extremely
poor, however, the Angel is fairly agile and also possesses a set of razor
sharp claws, and is hence therefore well suited to close quarter assault.
Shinji and Asuka had to regroup and plan a coordinated attack on the
Angel, then execute it before it could continue its Assault on NERV and
Classification: 8th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 10
Attacks: Teeth, Lv.2 AT-Field
Summary: Sandalphon is almost identical to Gaghiel, though is
capable of surviving extremely hot temperatures and high pressures. The
only major difference between Sandalphon and Gaghiel is that the Angel's
natural habitat is within an active volcano. Sandalphon is also a lot
smaller in comparison, however, this is most likely due to the fact that
Sandalphon is discovered by NERV during its infancy and so isn't fully
developed at the time of the its discovery. Sandalphon relies on its speed
and agility to rapidly engage the enemy in close combat, much like
Gaghiel, as the Angel possesses no means of which to engage opponents at
long range. Sandalphon's only means of attack comes from its razor sharp
teeth set into the Angel's powerful jaw, though this is more than enough
to inflict extensive damage on any of the Angel's opponents. Sandalphon
attacked during an attempt to capture it by NERV, but it awoken during the
operation, and attacked Asuka and Unit 02.
Classification: 9th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 11
Attacks: Acid, Lv.1 AT-Field
Summary: Matariel is possibly one of the weakest Angels to attack
NERV and Tokyo-3, and also the first Angel to be attacked by Units 00, 01
and 02 at the same time. Matariel has only one means of attack, projecting
extremely corrosive acid towards its opponents; however, this form of
attack is slow and coupled with the Angel's limited agility makes for a
pretty ineffective weapon. Matariel also possesses an extremely weak AT
field which is not even capable of standing up to a short volley of fire
from an Eva's standard issue rifle. These weaknesses serve only to hamper
Matariel in combat and so the Angel relies chronically on its ability to
stealthily approach opponents unnoticed, thus gaining the element of
surprise giving the Angel the upper hand in combat. It cuts all power to
Tokyo-3, and attempts to enter into NERV through a service tunnel. The
Angel is intercepted by the Evas, who take the creature without much
effort at all.
Classification: 10th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 12
Attacks: Lv.6 AT-Field
Summary: Sahaqiel differs greatly from the other Angels in that the
Angel's one and only weapon is in fact its self. Sahaqiel is in essence, a
living bomb, capable of dropping small amounts of its self from the
Angel's orbital position outside the enemy's firing range, on to targets
below with devastating consequences. Though this may seem like an odd, yet
extremely effective, way of dispatching of the Angel's opponents, Sahaqiel
actually uses this ability to gain a lock on its target, NERV. After this,
Sahaqiel descends on to its target thus eliminating not only its self, but
also its target along with a sizeable portion of the surrounding area.
Sahaqiel has the potential to be truly devastating, which is why
Sahaqiel's AT-Field is reasonably strong thus preventing the possibility
of taking out the Angel at long range before its final attack can be
taken. The Evas are forced to find the Angel and catch it with their own
AT-Fields, before it can destroy half of Japan.
Classification: 11th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 13
Attacks: Infect, Lv.4 AT-Field
Summary: Iruel is almost the perfect Angel, or rather collection of
Angels. Iruel is composed of communities and colonies of Nano-Machines
which work together to form a single functioning intelligent circuit
capable of adapting to any environment or situation it may encounter, thus
Ireul's survival mechanism is that of total adaptability through continual
evolution hence making the Angel an almost invulnerable opponent. Ireul
possesses no armament, however, as the Angel is effectively an organic
super computer. Ireul is quite capable of hacking into computer systems
thus causing acts of sabotage. Iruel is also capable of merging with
matter thus allowing the Angel to merge with its opponents attacking from
within. The Angel gets into NERV HQ through waterlines, and infects an Eva
test-doll, then infiltrates into the Magi mainframe. Its the first Angel
to be attacked by Ritzuko and Magi instead of the Evas.
Classification: 12th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 16
Attacks: Absorb, Lv.5 AT-Field
Summary: Leliel is definitely one of the more bizarre Angels that
NERV find themselves pitted against. Leliel is six hundred and eighty
meters in diameter with a thickness of three nanometers within which is an
inverted AT field, the zebra-patterned sphere projected above Leliel is in
fact the Angel's shadow. More intriguing is the fact that within the
Angel's AT-Field is an alternate dimension or another galaxy, describable
purely by abstract mathematics, which makes up the Angel's body, and it is
into this world that Leliel lures and traps its victims. Leliel expands
silently beneath its opponents pulling them into its body and is quite
capable of trapping an Eva indefinitely in this way, indeed Leliel could
quite easily engulf an entire city should the need arise thus making the
Angel a formidable opponent. Eva Unit 01 is trapped by the Angel in
this way, but breaks free of it after it goes Berserker, and tears it
Classification: 13th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 18
Attacks: Limb Stretching, Lv.6 AT-Field
Summary: Bardiel exhibits similar properties to that of a parasite
and hence is one of NERV's darkest fears come true, that is when the Angel
invades Unit 03 taking over complete control of its host and trapping its
pilot inside the Eva's entry plug. Obviously this unique ability allows
the Angel to adopt all the characteristics of its host and so depending on
the Angel's choice of host, Bardiel can quite easily prove to be an
exceptional opponent. As Bardiel chooses to invade and take control of
Unit 03, NERV find themselves battling against the very same tool with
which they intend to destroy the Angels. Of course there's also a moral
issue at stake, what with the pilot of 03 trapped in side, and Gendou is
forced to activate the Rei Dummy Plug in unit 01 to dispatch the Angel.
Classification: 14th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 19
Attacks: Razor Blades, Lv.7 Beam, Lv.7 AT-Field
Summary: Zeruel, at first glance, appears to be similar to
Shamshel, though rather than being equipped with a set of laser tentacles,
Zeruel possesses a set of lethal and flexible razor sharp blades which the
Angel uses to slice apart its opponents. These blades are so devastating
that they can even slice an Eva apart, this is also made doubly worse when
considering their surprisingly long range. As if this weren't enough,
Zeurel also possesses a very powerful Beam attack, much like Sachiel, but
can fire as a single shot, or a mulit shot. To make matters even worse,
Zeruel is capable of hovering across surfaces and has an impressive
AT-Field making the Angel the ultimate assailant. It took down 00 and 02
effortlessly, and the same could have been said for Unit 01, until it
Classification: 15th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 22
Attacks: Fly, Lv.7 AT-Field, Mind Blast
Summary: Arael is very similar to Sahaqiel in that Arael too is
capable of maintaining an orbital position outside the enemy's firing
range and possesses a single long ranged means of attack. Arael is capable
of probing the minds of its victims forcing them to relive past memories
best left forgotten, in effect Arael mentally rapes its opponents before
eating away at their minds leaving them paralyzed as a result of severe
brain damage. As with Sahaqiel, Arael's AT field is reasonably strong thus
preventing the possibility of taking out the Angel at long range, and so
because of this Arael proves to be more than a challenge for NERV and
their predominantly land based Eva series. NERV are forced to use their
Trump Card, the lance of Longinus, to destroy the Angel.
Classification: 16th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 23
Attacks: Shapeshift, Lv.8 AT-Field, Mind Grasp
Summary: Armisael is undoubtedly the fastest, stealthiest, and most
agile, Angel to confront NERV, in fact Armisael is so fast that the
chances of an opponent actually hitting the Angel with ranged, or even
close combat, attacks are slim. Armisael is also capable of altering its
physical form, which further adds to the Angel's maneuverability, and has
an impressive AT field which allows the Angel to easily rip through the defenses
of its opponents. As well as this, Armisael is capable of merging with its
opponents attacking from within in much the same way as Ireul, though this
is Armisael's sole means of attack and so the Angel relies on it's rapid maneuverability
to engage the enemy in close combat.
Classification: 17th Angel
First Appearance: Episode 24
Attacks: Lv.8 AT-Field, Control
Summary: Tabris, unlike any of the other Angels, is human in
appearance and hence is able to infiltrate NERV unnoticed, as the 5th
Child, Kaworu Nagisa, which is vital as Tabris possesses little in the way
of offensive capabilities. Although Tabris's armament is limited, the
Angel does, however, possess the ability to synchronize with an Evangelion
both directly and remotely with ease, and at any desired synchronization
ratio provided that the Angel's soul is more dominant than that of the
Eva's. This ability allows Tabris to take control of the very same tool
with which NERV intend to destroy the Angel. Besides this unique ability,
Tabris is also capable of generating an exceptionally strong AT field.
Genesis Evangelion © GAINAX/ProjectEva.-TX-NAS