---Majin Chronicles - Part 1: Birth--- ------------->2163 Galactic Years ago... In a deep recess of space, in uncharted areas were few have ever been, and even fewer have ever returned from, lays the lab of the Universe's Greatest Genius Scientist. --Washu's Lab-Washu's Office. Washu walks back to her desk with a stack of clipboards and papers in her arms. Her hair is a bit frizzy, her clothes are wrinkled and Dirty, and there are dark rings around her eyes, all signs pointing to insomnia. She drops the clipboards and papers onto her desk, and then falls back into the chair, exhausted and aggravated. Washu: I am sooooo tired! I haven't slept for days! Washu starts to hit her head with her fists. Washu: Why!? Why can't I come up with any ideas for a invention or an experiment or a project or something!? ARRRGGGHHH!!!!!! Washu bangs her head on the desk, the force of the hit knocking off papers and reports off the desk. Washu: OOOWWWW!!!! That hurt like a moth- hmmm? Something on the paper sitting right in front of her catches her attention. Washu: ..."MASS"....hmmm...where have I heard that name before....hmmm.. Washu picks up the report and starts to read from it. Washu: Aquatic Creature.....a basic element of life....15 light years away...hmmm...that's not far away at all....hmmm....maybe I could..... ------------->1 Week Later --Washu's Lab-Docking Bay 05 Washu has returned from her expedition in her space ship. She steps out of the main door and onto the boarding ramp. She waits for a bit, looks at her watch, and looks around again. Washu: Where are those two? Washu Whistles. Suddenly, two service Robots roll around the corner, and throttle across the bay and too the ship. When they reach to base of the ramp, the come to a halt and bow down before Washu. The Bots each stand about 4 feet high, with a cylindrical body and head, two arms, and a curved rod leading down to a single wheel. Washu: It's about time you two! You had me waiting a whole minute! The bot on the left with a large 'X' on its back lifts its head to Washu. 'X': Sorry Ma'am The second bot with a similar 'Z' on its back follows in suit. 'Z': It will not happen again Miss Washu. Washu folds her arms and gives a scolding look to the bots. Washu: See to it that it doesn't, because you know I wouldn't give a second thought to throwing you two in the scrap yard. Now you two wouldn't want that, could you? 'X':(shaking its head) No Ma'am! 'Z':(also shaking its head) We will try harder next time Miss Washu! Washu: Good! There is a large Cargo Container in the hold. I want you two to take it to R&D-Block C. And be careful, the creatures within are very dangerous. 'X': Yes Ma'am. 'Z': Right away Miss Washu. Washu lets the Service Bots pass her, then starts to walk down the ramp. She stops when she reaches the bottom of the ramp. Washu: Oh, and X? The bot slowly stops and turns around. 'X': Y-Yes ma'am? Washu: Please put some oil on that wheel, the squeaking is getting on my nerves. 'X': Yes Ma'am. The bot continues to enter the ship, as Washu continues to walk across the bay. ------------->10 Days Later --Washu's Lab-Washu's Office Washu sits at her desk with her laptop out. There is a Mass in a small Aquarium with wires running from the laptop to it. Washu looks very frustrated as she looks through the formulas and equations. She apparently isn't making any progress. Washu: What's the deal!? Why wont any of the combinations and ratios of genes and DNA work? There just isn't enough genetic material here to match up with 48 Chromosomes. There are a mixture of Double and Triple Helixes, and the DNA proteins are undeterminable, and the creature it self is extremely unstable, and there seems to be no definite indication if the Mass are male, female, or hermaphrodite, and I ca- oro? What was that? Wait a second!? Washu hits a few keys, trying to back track to whatever caught her eye. Washu: Hmmm....Dominant and Recessive traits....hmmm Blue hair to Cyan hair....Gold eyes to Green eyes to Red Eyes.....Dark skin to light skin...no...not here...wait! AHA!! Reproduction! Form of mitosis...hmmm...that could still mean hermaphrodites wait! No! Male and Female Mass... good not hermaphrodites..I might have gotten one oddball of a child...hmmm.. Washu searches through a stack of papers, looking for the one she wrote formulas down on. Washu: Now where did I....hmmm...I know its here somewhere ah-Oh! There it is! Washu Pulls out a piece of paper with Formulas writen on them Like this: Body:Mass Mother:Washu Father:Mass B:Mass M:Washu F:Washu B:Washu M:Washu F:Mass B:Washu M:Mass F:Mass Washu Scribles down some note on the paper. Washu: The Body should be mass, Mother's side of the genes from me, and for the Father's side.. hmmm..i can't single out the Females from the rest of the mass, so I'm just going to have to take an estimate. So any Female Masses, I think I should cover up with the male part of my DNA, so it should go something like... Washu writes it down on the back of the paper: B:Mass M:Washu F:3/4 Mass;1/4Washu(Y) Washu types this formula into the computer along with some other data. Washu: This means that there is a 72.58% chance for a female. I have enough Mass to make three children, but I think I should only make two, in case I need the extra Mass for something else. Yes this should work! NO! It WILL work! After all, I am the Universe's Greatest Genius Scientist! ------------->4 Days Later --Washu's Lab-Bio R-Lab 02 Washu is seen typing away on her Laptop as she stands in the Biology Research Lab. As she is typing, 'X'&'Z' are busy taking Mass one by one from their holding tank to a pair of large glass tubes with numerous pipes and cables running into them. In large letters, the left tube has the word 'Ryoko' written across the top, and the right says 'Majin' Washu is controlling a pair of mechanical arms on a table in the center of the room. Washu: Must...do this.....as gently....as I can... The arms are working with a pair of egg cells, and chemicals and extra DNA material from Washu's blood. Washu: Must be very....careful....need to-There!! That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. But then again, nothing is a challenge for the Universe's Greatest Genius Scientist! 'X','Z', are you two done yet? 'X': Almost Ma'am . 'Z': Transferring the last of it now Miss Washu. Washu stands back from her computer. Washu: Excellent. Excellent! (evil laugh) AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-er 'X'&'Z' give blank looks to Washu. Washu:....uh...um...I mean excellent!...um...uh...er..back to work! 'X':Yes Ma'am 'Z':Right away Miss Washu. Washu:(to herself) I need to get robots that actually respect be, and aren't just intimidated by me. Oh well, maybe I'll get on to that task next. Right now I have bigger fish to fry. 'X', 'Z', are you two re- 'X': Yes Ma'am 'Z': All is ready Miss Washu. Washu: Oh....uh...good....um....On to the next Stage! ------------->5 Hours Later --Washu's Lab-Bio R-Lab 02 Washu is sitting at the table with her laptop out. She is typing rapidly, and starting to sweat. 'X'&'Z' are making the final preparations for the introduction of the eggs into the Mass. Washu: Alright, move them into position. 'X'&'Z' each take a silver sphere from the table and carry them over to the tubes there is a small machine and conveyor belt hooked up to each tube. They place one sphere onto each of the conveyor belts. Washu: Alright, stand back. The 2 robots wheel back behind Washu. Washu:(cracking her fingers) Now, lets begin! Washu hits a button on the laptop. This starts up the conveyor belts. Each of the spheres are slowly pulled back into the machine, until they are completely taken into it. Washu: Good. Now.... Washu strikes a few keys. Each of the spheres is taken from within the machine to the top of their respective tubes. Although none of this is seen, it could be heard from the loud clanking and grinding inside. Washu: OK. Next..... Washu hits enter and a menu pops up. She hits a few more keys. From the top of the tubes, telescoping arms lower down with each of the spheres attached to the bottom. They lower down about half way in the tubes. Washu hits another series of keys. The spheres split down the center , and open on hinges, releasing the Egg cells and blood within them. The Mass start to swarm to the egg cells, absorbing them and starting to form together into an almost human like shape. Washu hits another key. The spheres are released and the arm starts to retract. The spheres start to dissolve and are absorbed by the Mass, which now are starting to take on more human characteristics. 2 arms, 2 legs, head; and the hands and feet are starting to form digits. Washu: The spheres were made of minerals and nutrients to compensate for 9 months of umbilical feed nutrition. 'X': Yes Ma'am 'Z': Brilliant idea Miss Washu. Each of the tubes now have what look like 5 year old children in them, the one in the left tube is a girl, the other a boy. Cyan hair starts to grow on their heads, the girl's long and spiky, the boy's just spiky. Washu: Ohh....KAWAII!!!!!! 'X'&'Z' again give Washu a blank look. Washu: Right, right. Back to work. Suddenly the boys head drops and Red lights around the right tube start to flash as an Alarm is heard. Wahsu:(very worried) What's happening!! 'X': It seems that 'Majin' is crashing. 'Z': He has lost all Vitals. Washu: Damn! I'm not gonna loose you now, not when I've come so far! Washu types as fast as she can. She hits enter and an electrical current is run through the right tube. Majin jerks violently and the constant drone of the Heart Moniter breaks for a second, then returns. Washu: Damn it! Again! She hits enter and another jolt is sent to 'Majin'. Same result. Washu: DAMNIT!! She hits Enter. Jolt. Nothing. She hits hit again. Jolt. Nothing. Again. Jolt. Nothing. 'X': I'm sorry Ma'am. 'Z': It seems we've lost him Miss Washu. But you still have Ryoko Miss Washu. Washu: I guess your right. But.......never mind. Washu strikes a few buttons on the laptop. The Monitor, alarms and lights are shut off. The Cables and pipes leading to the second tubes remove, and the tube is drawn up through the ceiling by the waste disposal unit. Washu: Take 'Ryoko here to R&D-Block A. 'X': Yes Ma'am. 'Z': Right away Miss Washu Washu starts to walk away from the Lab as 'X'&'Z' detach the cables and pipes from the Tube, and take it away. looks back at were the second tube was. Washu: And I*sniff* always wanted*sniff* a son! Washu runs out of the lab crying. ------------->8 Hours Later Sahanak-Junk Yard There are mountains of trash. Space ships, Weapons, Mechs, Transports, and everything else of the kind. On top of one of the mounds of trash is a half buried Tube with the word 'Majin' written on it. Something within the tube starts to glow, and then it shatters and bursts. A figure is seen emerging from the dust cloud, it looks like a little boy. ---TO BE CONTINUED---